Monday, November 24, 2008

Clinton/Obama Cabinet's & "Change?"

Just a couple of minutes this morning.

I flipped through the list of Obama's cabinet appointments.
By the time I finished, I was convinced that it was 1992 once again. Obama's cabinet is composed of Bill Clinton's appointments, with a few exceptions.

Thinking back, well its still happening in Georgia, Obama bought the White House by spending an obscene amount of money, and he gathered or paid for votes. When you think back a couple months (I realize you'd rather forget about 2006, 2007, and 2008) Obama's followers followed the pied piper chanting "Yes We Can" (make a change in Washington). Now, a vast number of his followers are thinking "Yes We Can, Change" change what? They don't seem to know.

It became blatenly apparant over the past couple of weeks. With his cabinet choices he is answering the "Yes We Can, Change" rallying chant for his followers and those of us forced to put up with this man. The "Change," My Friends is a return to the Clinton Administration and the miserable mess he put us through. On the bright side, we can hope that by returning the Clintonites to power, they will return all of the items pilfered or out right stolen from Air Force One and the White House-America's property'!
I will offer Obama a suggestion . . . he should always check for spots on his ties and his pants! . . . For what its worth!

Monday, November 3, 2008


A key issue that is only discussed in whispers is the effect an Obama Presidency will have on Vet's, Disabled Vet's, Active Armed Forces and All Americans. This issue is spelled
D I S A S T E R !
OBAMA never served or fought for this Great Country, but a duty required by the office of the Presidency is Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces. Never, in recent time, has a potential President been more UN-qualified to serve in this position. No matter how you fold, bend, crush or cut 'n paste Obama, he can't be altered to fit in this most-critical position that our Country requires for protection, and Americans need to live Free! (Many readers will be quick to point out that President Clinton wasn't anymore qualified than Obama. True! However, a number of his advisers, cabinet members, and the Legislature had a number of active military, and Veteran's. During his reign, there were many Veteran's that had been drafted. Eight years later, there are considerably less Veteran's due to the abolished draft system. Also, Clinton wasn't qualified and the results were UN-qualified decisions that lead to 9/11).

The thought of OBAMA as Commander-in-Chief is just plain ridiculous and downright scary. He has answered questions, concerning his lack of experience, as follows: I will sit down with our Muslim and Dictator enemies and work out out problems,: I will give the United Nation's (UN) more access and input into America's affairs (yee-gad!), the UN is salivating, and have stated that America will offer free-pickin's with the UN-qualified, and naive Obama Presidency. The UN wants additional dues, the abolishment of our 2nd Amendment Rights, and limits on our 1st Amendment Rights, to name a few. The Vulture's are circling and Obama will keep them well-fed. A topic for a later Blog.